When our journey started, there were no restaurants in Abu Dhabi offering the cuisine our family grew up on: Sierra Leonean, Trinidadian and Jamaican comfort food. At the time, we didn’t know whether this was because there was no demand for this type of food in the capital or whether no one had decided to go with the idea yet. With one (… or two) fingers crossed and a lot of prayer, we decided the reason was the latter and, in 2018, we opened our first pop-up stall in Yas Mall. Flash forward just four years and the number of West African and Caribbean restaurants in the capital is increasing. Whilst this promising trend helped us feel as though we made the right decision, what really solidified this was being awarded the 2021 Indie Restaurant of The Year by What’s On Abu Dhabi and participating in the 2021 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix Formula One. Who would have thought that Sierra Leonean, Trinidadian and Jamaican comfort food could win awards out here in the desert and be a part of global sporting event? … Thanks What’s On Abu Dhabi and Formula One for making this all a reality.

Our journey is still in its early stages, and we are hugely grateful for your support in bringing us this far. We cordially invite you to join us for the next part of our West African and Caribbean exploration in the desert.